Friday, March 15, 2013

150313 : 50 ways to make your husband happy

I found this article just now and I think it is a great and must-share article especially to wife, newly-wed and bride to be out there. So check it out.
  1. Start with a love letter. Remember how eagerly you waited in the early days of your courtship to receive a letter or just a note from each other? Do it again, but this time count all the reasons, which you think make him the best husband. Your man will not only be happy to be reminded of your love but glad to know that he makes you happy as well.
  2. Listen actively. When your husband expresses an opinion or a thought, pay attention. This shows you respect him and his views and nothing pleases a man more.
  3. Say thank you with a smile. When your husband does an odd job around the house, thank him like you really mean it. He will know that his help is not taken for granted and he will be happy to do more.
  4. Prepare his favorite meal. After he returns home from work on an ordinary day, surprise your husband with his favorite dinner.  He will not only be glad to have the food he likes best, but will appreciate the time and effort you put in preparing it.
  5. Let him have the TV remote. Granted, that you wish your husband spent more time with you, than watching the sports channel, but if there is an important game that you know your husband would love to watch, hand over the TV remote graciously.
  6. Hold his gaze. When you are speaking to your husband or listening to him, make sure that you keep eye contact. This will assure him of your attention and your respect, which is empowering to any man.
  7. Plan a vacation. Make arrangements for a romantic vacation, to a destination you know your husband would love to visit.
  8. Ask his family over. Your husband’s parents mean a lot to him. So ask them over for a Sunday lunch he will be touched by your loving gesture.
  9. Gift your husband a subscription to his favorite magazine. 
  10. On the way from work, visit the bakery and pick up a dessert your husband digs.
  11. Do something he hates. Choose a chore, like buying grocery or taking out the laundry, your husband really dislikes doing and then go on to do it cheerfully.
  12. Have his pals over. If a Super Bowl game or something equally popular is coming up, let your husband know he can watch it at home with his mates. Admittedly there will be beer cans and hot dog wrappers to clean up the next day, but your hubby will love your generosity.
  13. Appreciate his interests. If your husband is into carpentry, praise the bookstand he has made, even if it wobbles just a wee bit. Or if he loves collecting coins, buy him a book on numismatics. Your interest in his hobbies will give your husband a feeling of pride and make him happy.
  14. Book your husband on a golf vacation and do it happily.
  15. Give your husband a nice massage, after a particularly exhausting day at work.
  16. Make your husband a bowl, of popcorn, as he settles down to watch his favorite DVD.
  17. Get him tickets to his favorite ballgame and then surprise him by lustily cheering for his favorite team.
  18. Buy a really expensive gift for your husband, like a watch from Cartier or a Bvlgari perfume.
  19. Don’t nag, if he gets lost while taking out the family on a road trip.
  20. Send the kids to their grandparents’ or to a family member’s for a sleepover. Then snuggle up to your husband and ask what he would like to do, for the rest of the evening.
  21. Find out your husband’s favorite after-shave and buy it for him.
  22. Recreate your first date and your husband is sure to be happy falling in love with you all over again.
  23. Tell your husband to take a night out with his pals. Not only will he have a good time, but he will also be grateful for your thoughtfulness.
  24. Put on your sexiest lingerie and get ready for an intimate evening with your husband. He will be happy to know you still desire him as a lover.
  25. Book yourselves on a luxury cruise. Your husband will not only enjoy the sun and the sights, but will be happiest doing nothing the whole day.
  26. Gift him a customized CD by compiling around ten of your husband’s favorite songs.
  27. Take care of your appearance. Don’t let yourself go, just because you’ve been married for quite a while. Your husband will be glad to know you still find him worth the effort and time it takes to appear well-groomed.
  28. Greet your husband at the door dressed in your best gown and with two glasses of champagne. After he recovers from the initial shock, he will be glad that you came up with such a great idea to welcome him.
  29. Tell your husband he smells nice.
  30. Flirt with your husband in front of his friends. Hold his gaze, touch his legs under the table and steal quick kisses. Your hubby will love to relive the days of romance.
  31. When you are sitting together, quietly slip your hand into his. Your husband will love the easy expression of intimacy between you two.
  32. Buy him a set of golf clubs or whatever sport equipment he is interested in.
  33. Stop trying to change your husband into someone else, after all you married him for who he is.
  34. Meet him for lunch at his office and suggest a quick bite. He will love your spontaneity and the fact that you took out time from your own schedule.
  35. The next time you decide to eat out, let your husband choose the restaurant and the menu.
  36. Ask him to share his fantasy with you and see if you can try it out – or at least a part of it. Even if you both end up laughing, your husband will be pleased to know you care about what he wants.
  37. Do something fun together like a trip to an amusement park or going for a circus show.
  38. Pick up the kids from their soccer or music practice, when it is actually your husband’s turn to do so.
  39. Go out after dinner. Put the kids in bed and steal away with your husband for an ice-cream for a stroll in the park. Your husband will be pleased at spending some quiet time with you.
  40. Find one thing to compliment about your husband and do it sincerely.
  41. Let your husband be at home the next time you want to go Christmas shopping. He will be glad to have escaped the chore and you might have more fun doing it with someone, who enjoys shopping, like your mom or a friend.
  42. Remind your husband that he is the sexiest man you ever set eyes on.
  43. Leave a love note in your husband’s briefcase or in the car. Just a sentence telling him that he means so much to you.
  44. Pursue an interest together – like a dance class or a photography club. He will be happy to feel connected to you.
  45. Go for a hike in the mountains. You both will love the fresh air and the casual intimacy.
  46. Be the perfect hostess, if your husband invites his boss over for dinner.
  47. Learn a skill or a new language. Your husband will be happy and proud of your achievements.
  48. Get your husband something he always wanted, but never got around buying it.
  49. Go over his high school photos together and remark how handsome he was even all those years back.
  50. Find a quiet moment with your husband to whisper “ I love you” in his ears. If you have already said it, say it again. You can never say these three words too often and you can be sure, that every time it will make your husband glad, he married you.

I want to add some more for Muslim couple

51. Perform solah 5 times per day together. Respect him as an Imam/leader in your house.
52. Keep reciting doa for your family happiness in the world and hereafter. 
53. Kissing his hand and ask forgiveness every time after solat
54.  Recite al-Quran and tafseer together because al-Quran is a guideline to make sure both of you stay happy together in Jannah insyaALLAH.  
55. Hold your husband hand when hangout with him. 
56. Keep smiling when your husband being with you and tell him you are very happy spend time with him. 
57. Welcome your husband when he coming back from work and prepare a glass of water for him.
58. Share both your happiness and sadness with him. Have a great two ways communication. Discuss any problem and find the solution together.
59. Cut his finger and toe nails. Take care of his appearance.Sometimes, pamper him by offering free spa at home. 
60. Seek knowledge non stoppable. Joining any religions class or talk together. 

Hope it can help you and me to be better and solehah wife insyaALLAH. Sayang dan cinta kerana ALLAH. Assalamua'alaikum.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

080313: Antara cinta dan Air Mata

Syurga adalah tempat yang tiada air mata dan disitu lah tempat lahirnya cinta.

Tujuan ALLAH ciptakan cinta berkait rapat dengan tujuan ALLAH menciptakan manusia.

Apa tujuan ALLAH ciptakan manusia?
1. sebagai hamba ALLAH
2. menjadi khalifah di muka bumi (memakmurkan bumi ALLAH)

Apa tujuan ALLAH ciptakan cinta?
Sebagai 'alat' untuk melaksanakan kedua-dua tujuan hidup di atas.
Utamakan cinta ALLAH melebihi cinta suami isteri.

Jika kayu dan kayu disatukan dengan paku
bata dan bata disatukan dengan simen
Maka, hati dan hati disatukan dengan IMAN

Iman berkadar terus dengan cinta sesama manusia
Kerana ada hadis Nabi SAW yang berbunyi tak kan sempurna iman seandainya kita tidak mencintai saudara kita seperti kita mencintai diri kita sendiri

Law of attraction:
Nak cari sahabat/ pasangan yang baik, kita dahulu mesti menjadi baik.
Jadi seperti lilin yang menyala, yang akan menyalakan lilin lain.
Jangan mencari kebahagiaan dalam rumah tangga tetapi bawa kebahagiaan ke dalam rumah tangga.

ALLAH telah tetapkan jodoh seperti ALLAH tetapkan rezeki tetapi manusia kena mencari/berusaha.

Cara/usaha untuk mendapat pasangan yang baik
1. Jadi baik : Kita buat baik bukan kerana kita baik tetapi usaha kita untuk jadi baik.
2. Ikut pilihan atau cadangan orang yang baik
3. Ikut cara yang baik : Lelaki dan perempuan boleh mulakan dahulu tetapi dengan adab-adab Islamiah. 

Persediaan sebelum berkahwin (3A)
1. Akui : mengakui kelemahan diri sebagai seorang hamba (senantiasa beristighfar dan cari cinta ALLAH terlebih dahulu)
2. Afham (saya faham) : Faham bahawa tanggungjawab akan berpindah daripada ibu bapa kepada suami
3. Aplikasi : Mesti ada skill, teori-teori perkahwinan sebelum melangkah ke gerbang perkahwinan.

Ilmu terbahagi kepada 2 : fardhu ain (untuk menjadi hamba) dan ilmu akademik (untuk memakmurkan alam)
Ilmu itu adalah cahaya manakala cinta itu buta
Maka, ilmu lah yang akan membimbing cinta.

Rumah tangga terbahagi kepada 2 - hak dan tanggungjawab
Utamakan menjalankan tanggungjawab terhadap pasangan bagi memenuhi hak pasangan kerana what you give you will get back. 
Hukum kasih sayang: kena memberi kasih sayang dahulu, baru boleh menerima kasih sayang.
Seandainya suami yang jahat sekalipun memberi arahan yang baik, kita perlu turuti kerana tanggungjawab mendahului hak. 

Cara mengekalkan rumah tangga (SMART)
1. Setia, sayang
2. Manja
3. Adil - jangan letakkan kesangsian melebihi kepercayaan. Dalam mencari pasangan, rasa boleh dipercayai tu adalah syarat yang lebih utama berbanding  rasa cinta.
4. Renew - terima kelemahan pasangan dan upgrade kelebihan/kekuatan pasangan. Ulang buat perkara yang telah dilakukan semasa awal perkahwinan atau create aktiviti yang baru untuk dilakukan bersama-sama.
5. true colors - Pasangan akan rasa lebih dihargai seandainya psangannya berterus terang dan berbincang secara telus.

Semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat. =)