Wednesday, May 30, 2012

300512: Menuju puncak

Alhamdulillah, dah hampir 2 bulan berhijrah ke Perlis. Kalau sebelum ni every weekend saya jogging dan weekdays sometimes main badminton dengan housemates, sekarang aktiviti bertukar kepada memanjat bukit. Bukit yang menjadi pilihan saya setiap minggu ialah bukit yang berdiri gagah di sebelah dewan 2020 di Perlis. Kalau eager nak tahu bukit apa, sila google sebab saya pun tak tahu apa nama bukit tu. hihi. Ni 1st time saya buat aktiviti panjat memanjat ni. For me, this activity tougher than jogging. But, once we reach the top of the hill, we can see subhanALLAH the beautiful scenery. Hilang penat lelah cungap. Want to share some 'not dslr photos' with my friends here. =D

 Pengembaraan bermula.. yeeeehaaa...

Okay.. dah mula buat RnR sendiri untuk berehat sebentar sambil cungap-cungap..

Nampak tak cahaya itu.? =D

Finally here we are! Kami tiba di puncak!!!

Susah payah berbayar dengan keindahan ciptaan ALLAH. ALLAH ya Khaliq. 

Time up! Tiba masa untuk turun semula. =D

Ni kira persiapan kahwin juga. Preparation untuk cantik di hari lebaran. =P Musim hujan sudah tiba. Aktiviti ini terpaksa dikurangkan. Bahaya naik time hujan. Licin. Tiba-tiba saya rasa gemoks! Kena carik aktiviti indoor la untuk musim hujan ni..heee.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

290512: Sticker yang ditaja

Ni la aktiviti yang dilakukan semalaman semalam. Alhamdulillah dah settle gunting secara manual sticker 'Terima kasih' yang disponsor oleh kawan mak ini. Sejuta penghargaan untuk pemberian sticker sebanyak 800 ++ ini. Dont know yet kat mana nak tampal. Kemungkinan besar dekat doorgift. Actually net dan ribbon untuk doorgift dah settle. Tunggu dekat-dekat majlis baru boleh bungkus itu epal.Ya saya bagi epal untuk 900 tetamu yang hadir. Selebihnya akan dapat doorgift kenduri my sisters yang lebih-lebih yang tak habis tu. Kenapa epal? Sebab tema saya alam sekitar. hahaha. Sekarang tengah pening doorgift untuk VIP who are team marhaban dan rombongan pengantin lelaki. Saya nak DIY brown paper bag [dapat ilham dari sebuah magazine] tapi mak ada terberkenan dengan bag sedia hias kat kedai barang kawen. Hari tu tengok tak da warna yang masuk tema. Mak kata nak tunggu lagi. So tunggu la. Kalau tak da, I will proceed dengan idea DIY tersebut. =D Bahagian doorgift tak boleh tick lagi sebab ada 100 doorgift VIP yang masih menjadi tanda tanya. -.-"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

240512: My Card

sorry gambar gelap gelita =(

Simpan dalam tupperware. Akhir bulan 6 nanti baru mula distribute insyaALLAH. Kad saya tak da sampul. Ni 1st version. 2nd edition punya ada tulis "kepada" kat muka surat depan yang ada wedding date [230812]  tu selepas dicadangkan oleh Mr Mars saya. Bajet, jenis kertas dan lain-lain yang berkaitan kad hasil titik peluh sendiri 100% ni akan saya review insyaALLAH after wedding nanti. Checked!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

230512: Theme

Anyone yang baca post before ni pasal color tema saya tu? Actually warna tema dah tukar dah. From cream + gold + brown to cream + brown + green+ SIMPLE. hehe. Tema alam sekitar ya di Venus nanti. =P Di Mars maybe blue + grey. But I'm not sure la. Before this, Mr Mars told me that colors combination. However, lately he said no theme because no budget. Actually budget saya pun rendah saja. But still ada tema. For me yang penting kena kreatif ja. Pemikiran orang Venus dan Mars different. Dan saya berlapang dada dengan perbezaan pendapat tersebut. =)

Theme for my side. Plus simple!

Actually saya langsung tak nak dan tak kan masuk campur anything yang berkaitan walimah di Mars nanti. Let his family decide everything including our attire. Make up untuk diri sendiri saja yang saya uruskan. Sebabnya saya tak mau serabut kepala sendiri plus tunang saya itu anak sulung dan cucu pertama yang akan berkahwin. So bagi la chance ibu dan adik-adik dia rasa planning majlis sendiri kan. =) 

Okay la esok nak reveal kad yang teramat simple dengan kos yang teramat minima itu. Till then. Assalamua'laikum. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

220512 : Be positive!


Today, I would like to introduce the popular positive thinker and speaker in Malaysia, Prof Dr Muhaya [Click her name and please like her page if you want to be like her]. I love and admire her so much. So many useful knowledge and tips came out from her mouth when she giving a talk. To be honest, I am trying hard right now to be as positive as I can. Please pray for me yah.=) Oh ya as always, I want to share something from her page here. 

"Senyum suatu sunnah dan akan menghasilkan hormon endorphins bila kita senyum. Hanya manusia boleh senyum dan haiwan tidak dapat senyum. Jangan fikir apa orang kata. Walau orang tak senyum balik kita dah dapat pahala sunnah. Senyum yang benar benar niat sunnah akan diterima dengan baik insyaALLAH. Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak akan berkata kata sebelum baginda senyum dulu. Jom jadikan senyum suatu amalan dan tabiat. Ajar anak-anak senyum bila bangun pagi. Sesiapa yang masam dan kata moody bila bangun, bayangkan bagaimana hari yang dimulakan dengan muka masam. Ubah tabiat ubah kehidupan." (Prof Dr Muhaya)


Monday, May 21, 2012

210512: Info should be in the card

Assalamua'alaikum =)

Printer mengamuk
Laptop merajuk

Alhamdulillah dah settle pujuk Mr Printer, dan Miss Compaq. So kad dah progress. I dah print about 200 pieces last Saturday. Another 200 pieces has been printed yesterday. Kad saya teramat la simple. Hanya info-info penting saja dimasukkan. So, nak share isi wajib ada dalam kad kahwin.

1. Nama Parents
Reason: My guests mostly are mak's friends, abah's friends, relatives and also neighbors. Bukan semua tetamu tu kenal siapa kita. So, tak da la tetamu tertanya-tanya, eh ni kenduri siapa ntah. =)

2. Nama Pengantin
Reason: Tujuan walimah tu sendiri untuk menghebahkan perkahwinan. So, tercapai lah tujuan walimah hatta pada mereka yang tak dapat menghadirkan diri sekalipun. setuju? 

3. Tarikh 
Reason: Takda tarikh orang tak mai la majlis kenduri.Adoi.

4. Tempat
Reason: Supaya tetamu tak hilang arah tujuan. =P

5. Masa
Reason: Jadikan majlis lebih teratur. Tak da la tetamu nak datang awal or lewat sangat. Susah juga kalau tetamu dah datang tapi makanan tak ready lagi. yes or yes?

6. Nombor untuk dihubungi
Reason: Kalau sesat contohnya, guests boleh contact untuk pastikan berada pada jalan yang benarrr...

7. Peta
Reason: Memudahkan guests yang tak pernah datang rumah.

Reason: Support map. Some people come alone. So it ease them. Payah jugak nak usha map sambil drive. Much more comfy, bila ada mesin tolong sebutkan 'Turn left Turn right Go straight" =P

Dalam kad saya tak ada doa pengantin or nama ALLAH. Sebabnya, kad ni selalunya orang buang. So, saya decide doa untuk pengantin akan saya letak di tempat lain. Di mana? InsyaALLAH bila dah siap nanti saya announce.

mula-mula ingat nak reveal kad sendiri.. tapi tunggu la next post baru reveal.. heee... by the way.. kad ni cantek kan? jumpa kad ni dekat weddingchicks =)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

120512: Tutorial to get GPS coordinate


Today saya nak kongsi cara untuk dapatkan kod GPS. Okay I learnt this from one of the B2B 2012 group's member. Ini lah pentingnya join group. Boleh gain knowledge, share idea dan bla bla bla. Kena buat satu entry khas la kalau nak cerita pasal kebaikan ada group ni. haha. By the way thanks to Dhiera and Mieza. If Im not mistaken, they are the pioneers of this group. [clap, clap, clap] Tolong jangan saman saya yah kalau tersalah fakta pasal group B2B 2012 ni. Do correct me if Im wrong okay. =P Back to the topic [selalu melalut], tutorial untuk mendapatkan kod GPS adalah seperti berikut. Hehe.

1. Buka Google map [klik ja. Saya sudah buat pautan ke google map]

2. Bahagian search tu, taip tempat yang anda mahukan.Then, click search [yang ada tanda kanta tu].

3. Dekat map tu cari kawasan yang kita nak dan right click kat situ. Pastu pilih "What's here?". Then, You will get the coordinate yang akan memunculkan dirinya pada bahagian search tadi..

4. Kalau nak convert ke degree minute and seconds, boleh guna website ni

Selamat maju jaya
[lama tak jumpa word ni. =)]

Thursday, May 10, 2012

100512: Checked

Last night, I called mak. She already booked a catering and canopy for my wedding. Alhamdulillah. I will meet them later to choose scallop's colour and discuss about canopy decorations. As always, I will leave the food matter to Mak and Abah. They know more than I am. So, let them choose what is the best. 1 more, my mom already asked her friend to make up me on both events, solemnization plus bersanding and bertandang. So checked! checked! hehe. The canopy will be checked later. I've to meet them first. 

Mode: Happy dah boleh mula mengeCHECKED.=P


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

080512: Mapping Process

Lately most of my post here are related to wedding card. Actually I trying hard to finish making card as soon as possible because the card will be distributed before Ramadhan. As u guys known, one of the most important thing must be in the wedding card is a map. Actually there are two softwares you can download from internet to help you drawing the map. No need to buy. Just download a 60 days trial for free! =)

1. Edraw Max 

I've already linked the softwares name above to the free trial software. I hope they can ease you drawing the map. I do not try the microsoft visio because it take longer time to download. Maybe the software is quite big. Then, I just used the Edraw Max. The only problem you will get when choosing to use this software is the map will have the watermark. I used 'Paint' to get the area which I want and removed the watermark using the ''Adobe Photoshop'.

It works! =)

Till then, Assalamu'alaikum! =)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

030512: DIY Invitation Card


Hi everyone! =) Target untuk minggu ni mahu siapkan kad jemputan perkahwinan. Yah. I will print it by myself. Before ni ada juga fikir mahu di hantar ke kedai supaya hasilnya lebih gempak. Tapi bila kira-kira balik tambah tolak kos tersembunyi (termasuk transportation) then I prefer untuk print sendiri guna printer dan dakwat sendiri. Hasilnya may be tak seanggun kedai punya printer tapi insyaALLAH will try my best untuk hasilkan kad sebaik mungkin dengan kos seminima mungkin. Ramai cakap 'buat kad cantek-cantek, mahal-mahal pun lepas kenduri orang buang jugak'. Saya tak cakap tapi orang lain yang cakap. Saya cuma ubah sikit-sikit ja ayat tu. Tapi maknanya tetap sama hokey. hehe. Apa pun, pendapat saya, walaupun orang akan buang tapi saya tetap akan simpan satu as kenangan. Dan titik peluh sendiri untuk big day sendiri sangat-sangatlah berharga. Nanti dah tua boleh lah dengan bangganya tunjuk dekat cucu cicit betapa jelitanya kad nenek time kahwin dulu. Fuuuhhhh kelas kau nenek. =P

Actually, nak share dengan B2B [tak kisahla tahun bila mau kawin] tempat-tempat menarik untuk dapatkan template kad kahwin secara percuma tanpa caj-caj tersembunyi. Menarik tak? Menarik tak? Hehe..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

020512: Panduan buat isteri dan bakal isteri


ALLAH SWT, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, created the bonds of marriage as a permissible, enjoyable means of uniting two strangers to live with each other in love and peace. Theoretically this exists, but sadly the reality is that it isn't always maintained and many Muslim marriages are breaking down.

Everyone demanding their rights yet they fail to think from the other angle and neglect to fulfill rights of others. When a situation becomes very black and white, people forget the essence of Islam; justice, forgiveness and humility. These qualities are lost in an argument and so a cold war ensues between husband and wife.

Keeping the line with rights, the greatest right of a woman is to be treated with kindness, but on the other hand the greatest right a husband has over the wife is respect. Anger and displaying angry behavior is a very disrespectful way of behaving with someone. Similarly provoking and angering the husband tantamount to disrespect. Marital breakdown is usually a consequence of anger and acting upon anger in hastiness.

In order for a wife to respect her husband she must first understand and avoid factors that anger him. Anger manifests itself in different ways but it tends to have a deeper underlying cause. A wife must try to decipher what the root cause of the anger is before any solutions can be reached. The following are a few reasons as to what can anger a husband, ranging from minor to major cause:

  • Hunger - Hunger can make someone very irritable and short tempered. A husband expects food to be ready when he comes home from work. This may seem insignificant, but if this happens regularly then it might be an indication of his displeasure at his wife's time management/organisational skill and lack of consideration.
  • Neglecting children and household duties - A wife may have commitments elsewhere, eg. work, dakwah activities, personal hobbies. As a result, children or managing the household is neglected. This indicates that your husband may be displeased with your priorities and may want you to reassess your commitments.
  • Work/money problems - Finance can usually cause a huge strain on marriages, and the pressure of being the breadwinner can take its toll. However, if the wife is oblivious to the husbands situation and spends endlessly then this means she doesn't acknowledge his effort and is abusing his generosity. Alternately the husband may be having problems at work that he can't discuss with his wife, leading to feelings of inadequacy and fear of redundancy. 
  • Family problem - He may be having problems with his own family which he can't tell you about, but which affect him deeply. Being in the dark will only make you question and misunderstand and it may anger him at your lack of sensitivity.
  • Mistreating someone he loves - You may not have showed good conduct or hurt someone who he loves and respects, such as his family members or close friends. Your words/actions may or may not have been intentional, but someone was hurt by it and informed your husband, thereby causig him hurt and anger.
  • Hurting him with previous words/actions - Maybe you had said or did something quite a long time ago that really hurt him, but which he didn't mention at the time. Consequently he had let the issue grow and took his anger randomly out on you at a later point.
  • Making him feel inferior - You might be a very confident, successful person, who is good at multitasking. If you are arrogant in your approach then this will convey through your words/actions that you have no need for him or be undermining his authority. To him it may indicate your lack of gratefulness and recognition of his qualities and capabilities.
  • Committed a sin/not doing Fard duties - You may be committing a grave sin that your husband may or may not be aware of, but punishment is such that it can indirectly affect your marriage, particularly if a woman unchaste. Alternately you may not be doing your fard obligations e.g. salah, not observing proper hijab or engaging in unislamic activities, music, dance, etc.
  • Socialising/going out too much - Your husband might dislike who you socialize with or that you socialize too often. He may think that you're taking advantage of his leniency or that you're never available when he wants you to be. This may result in neglecting him and the household. Husbands have a sense of gheerah (exclusivity/possessiveness) so he might feel this is infringed if you go out so often.
  • Not fulfilling his desires - You may be not fulfilling his desire properly or refusing to do so altogether. This can lead to frustration and anger, as well as a cause for him to look elsewhere.
  • Not allowing him to spend sufficient time with children/family - You have a problem with him spending significant amounts of time with the children or you deny him access to children (if separate), or you dislike him spending time with his own family or someone else he is close to.

These are only a few suggestions, there are of course many more which are unique to each marriage. This is in no way suggesting that men are blameless in these scenarios, rather it is a step towards understanding why we blame them. Neither should women feel that it is biased towards men as it just presents one side, it is general advice for women as a whole to try and understand from the other angle. To present from the woman's angle would have to be discussed as a separate issue.

Wives should bear the following advice in mind when trying to resolve a problem. Understand to the best of your ability what the problem is, accept where you have gone wrong even if it may be hard to. Have the most sincere of intentions to please ALLAH and your husband, do plenty of nafl (optional salat), and recite often and earnestly make dua that ALLAH SWT gives you patience and understanding. Pray that ALLAH reunites your hearts and brings you closer. If ones husband is still angry, apart from seeking help, try reminding your husband of the following ayahs by either reciting it or placing somewhere respectable he would be able to frequently see it.

"And live with them (women) in a beautiful manner. If then you are displeased with them (then know) perhaps you dislike something. Wherein ALLAH has created abundant goodness in it." (Surah An Nisa 4:19)

"Who repress anger... Who pardons men... Verily ALLAH loves AL-Muhsinun (the good doers) (Surah AL Imran 3:134)

Wife to be and also women who already called wife.. Please like the facebook's page stated above. RECOMMENDED!!! So many info relate to married life there. Membaca jambatan ilmu! Jom tambah ilmu! =D

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

01052012 : Tutorial to install new font in Window


Dah lama tak update. Sangat busy. Walaupun hari ni hari pekerja, namun kaki ni perlu digagahkan untuk drive ke tempat kerja. Busy tak saya? =P Eh back to original aim, I just want to share a simple tutorial to install new font into your windows. Kalau yang dah tahu boleh terus tekan item yang menyerupai huruf 'X' dekat hujung belah kanan tu okay. hehe. Actually, sekarang saya dalam proses design wedding card. So, I need a calligraphy font yang originally tak da dalam microsoft. So, here are the tutorial to those who want to put new, stylish, fresh font into your window! 

To install

1. Click button START kat bawah sekali hujung sebelah kiri tu.
2. Then pilih RUN
3. Then copy paste ini [%windir%\fonts] (without [] okay) pada bahagian Open: and click OK
4. After that akan keluar folder FONT. Pilih FILE dan clik INSTALL NEW FONT.
5. Pada kotak DRIVES, pilih la drive yang ada font yang kamu dah download dari internet/software tu. Kalau simpan dalam folder, U must click the folder 1st. Nanti akan keluar list of font yang ada dalam drive tu. Select yang mana nak install dan clik OK.
6. Siap! Anda boleh menggunakan tulisan baru tu untuk DIY card, tag or apa-apa aja la. Yeay!!

To remove

Step 1-3 sama ja macam install.
4. Select semua fonts yang anda mahu buang 
5. Then, right click and choose DELETE
6. Bila ditanya gini "Are you sure you want to delete this font?" Maka, buatlah pilihan yang tepat okay. haha. Kalau confirm nak delete click la YES dengan penuh rasa bangga.

Selamat berDIY dengan FONT baru! =D