Tuesday, January 17, 2012

170112: Post Mortem [handbouquet]

kalau orang lain prefer bunga segar? ya at first I also plan to buy fresh flower as my hand bouquet. Suddenly, when I'm going to SSF for the first time last month, I fall in love with this flower. It's not real flower but it look alike the real roses. The colors also suit my attire. So,apa lagi.. I beli 4 tangkai (setiap tangkai if Im not mistaken ada 5 kuntum kot). Then, lilit-lilit dengan riben coklat. ^^

Hand Bouquet:-
Flower: RM27.20
Riben: RM2.50
Total: RM29.70

Psssstttt I ingat nak pinjamkan this hand bouquet kat my friend yang tunang bulan 6 nanti. tapi dia punya tema kaler purple... I not sure she wants this or not. This flower warnanya pink kecoklatan sket. padan la ngan tema tunang I. hehe. kalau dia taknak, I nak letak lam pasu hias bilik ja...hehe.by the way I menyimpan niat untuk pegang fresh flower on my big day (tu pom kalau ada extra money lew) =)


Rina Lia (◕‿◕)✿ said...

dulu tunang rina pun gne bunga palsu je, tp kene ngan baju :DD

picairin said...

tu la... tapa tunanag j pom.. i tunang mmg ringkas btol..hehe

Azizah green line said...

cantikkkkkkk la yang :)

picairin said...

hehe... =D thanks zizah