Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

271211: Kenduri

Program for the E-day

10.00 a.m : Baca Yasin (female only)
11.00 a.m : Kenduri for orang baca yasin + jiran tetangga (nasi + lauk pauk for 70 persons)
2.00 p.m   : Rombongan family Fiance To Be datang
3.30 p.m   : Sarung cincin + Picture time with his family
4.00 p.m   : Kenduri for family Fiance To Be, family and friends (mee, beehoon or kueteow for 50 persons)

InsyaALLAH we can just make a plan. but ALLAH still the only, only and only the best planner. =)

Alhamdulillah abah already booked the catering for both kenduri (lunch session + minum petang yang quite heavy session).. thanks Abah! =)

Rabbi yassir walaa tu'assir 
Rabbi tammim bil khoir
Oh ALLAH make it easy and do not make it difficult
Oh ALLAH make it end well

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit (tempah!)
2. ring (checked!)
3. hantaran 
4. kenduri (checked!)
5. make up
6. photographer (checked!)
7. invitation card (checked!)
8. pelamin

Monday, December 26, 2011

End Year Random Giveaway

2nd giveaway yang I join
senang, mudah dan easy ja syaratnya
Hadiahnya not bad la
nak join?
click banner di atas okay
All the best everyone!

psssstttt tarikh tutup 30 Disember 2011 tau.. so cecepat la join.. ^^

Sunday, December 25, 2011

251211: breakfast with my fiance to be

got morning sms from him asking me out for breakfast
about 7.42 he messaged me telling he has been arrived
we had our breakfast at famous nasi lemak stall in front of UniKL
at first we were just discussing about our engagement
okay just 3 weeks left before the event
as u guys can see
there are so many unchecked items in my checklist
stress tetiba

then we need to find out other discussion port
A cat was interrupted our discussion
huhu <i am cat phobia>pity me<
then continue our discussion at Alia'a stall
this time, no more about engagement
we are go through everything
including our master proposal, our big day, life after marriage 
ok sangat-sangat buat mata I terbuka luas-luas
so many things need to be think starting from now
planning to make a gantt chart, budget 2012, and checklist
as soon as possible

go back to proposal mode
then I can proceed to life planner activity

psssstttt baru tahu susahnya kahwin time belajar. Lets accept the challenges..! =)
[tiba-tiba terasa dewasa]

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Contest by IzaFiza : When u be the biggest part of me

Aku terima nikahnya merupakan lafaz suci yang menghalalkan percintaan dua insan. Permulaan kepada perjalanan yang masih jauh dan bakal dihujani pelbagai ujian. Saling genggam erat dan melangkah beriringan melalui jalan yang telah dipilih. Doa terus-terusan dipanjat agar genggaman terus erat dan perjalanan berakhir di Jannah yang kekal abadi. 

Tag: Dhiera + Asfiza

241211: OP

Has been decided!
No Pro OP for the E-day
My sister and best friends will play role as official photographers on that day
Thanks everyone!
I'll do the editing part by myself
Please dont let any special moment miss out on that day
Capture as many pics as u guys can
from the best angle that u are able to click
love u guys

comel! ^_^

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit (tempah!)
2. ring (checked!)
3. hantaran 
4. kenduri
5. make up
6. photographer (checked!)
7. invitation card (checked!)
8. pelamin

Friday, December 23, 2011

231211 : why I choose him?

Actually, I antara yang terawal akan menukar status kepada tunang orang dalam geng bas sekolah I dan biomedics UKM batch 2007/2011. Setakat ini I dah menerima dua soalan yang boleh digolongkan dalam group yang sama. soalan tu lebih kurang macam ni la. kenapa I yakin untuk bertunang dengan Encik Fiance To Be? =) and my answer sangat la panjang lebar tapi I nak share kesimpulannya ja kat sini.

After 5 tahun lebih berkawan, I yakin dia boleh jadi Hamba ALLAH, anak, suami dan ayah yang baik.

How I know? 

Hamba ALLAH yang baik >> paling mudah sekali tengok dia ada ambil kesempatan kat u tak. lagi mudah ada tak dia sengaja pegang tangan u?dia keluar dengan u dia ada solat tak? ni sikit baru. banyak lagi kita boleh wat pemerhatian. buka mata luas-luas dan fikir fikir fikir.

Anak yang baik>> tengok layanan dia kepada keluarga dia (mak, ayah, nenek, adik-beradik). 

Suami yang baik>> cara layanan dia pada kita sesuai tak dengan apa yang kita nak. Sebab semua orang kehendaknya lain-lain.kalau I prefer lelaki yang betul-betul lelaki. Bukan yang asyik-asyik merajuk nak minta dipujuk saja =)

Ayah yang baik>> 1st cuba tengok dia suka budak-budak tak? then usha layanan dia kat budak-budak.=)

Setiap orang pendapat dia berbeda-beda. Bagi I ini yang penting. mungkin bagi anda lain pula. Yakin lah dengan ketentuanNya. Jodoh kita adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Mungkin ada sifat dia yang u tak boleh terima tapi kena belajar la terima sebab nobody perfect including us. Once u dah bergelar isteri, setialah. tak perlu nak cari yang lebih baik. [Banyak sangat baca tragedi isteri orang curang dengan lelaki lain. Lepas dah kawin dengan lelaki lain baru realize suami yang dulu lebih baik]. Ok sebelum topik berlari lebih jauh. lebih baik sambung wat proposal yang tergendala. hehe.. Bye! =)

Put your trust in ALLAH. keep praying.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

201211: hantaran

both families (mine and him) has made a decision
the dowry will be 5 versus 7
mak ask me.. Hantaran apa nak bagi?
i suddenly find Mr Google and ask him
after a few days discussion with Mr Google
i make a decision as below

1. Sepersalinan baju nikah
2. buku agama
3. buah-buahan (Fiance to be's family will be given the fruits as well. Mak tak mau sama. okay mak!)
4. sweets (rejected by mak)
5. ferrero roche
6. Cake
7. T-shirt (Fiance to be prefer a sport shoes because his sport shoes already damaged. ok! ok!)

after finalizing the list, we agreed to give

1. Sepersalinan baju nikah
2. buku agama
3. agar-agar kering
4. sport shoes
5. ferrero roche
6. Chocolate Cake
7. _______ (this 1 I dont know what it is. Makanan la for sure. My besties told me they want to sponsor. yeay! Love u guys so much! =))

I planned to have dowry searching mission this weekend but my fiance to be have to work on this weekends. huhu. then we need to postpone the mission to the next weekend. Its ok la. Still have time insyaALLAH! =) 

owh ya.. dulang hantaran akan dipinjamkan secara percuma oleh bos mak saya (pesanan penaja =P). Alhamdulillah. Rezeki ALLAH bukan datang dalam bentuk duit sahaja. Malah barangan seperti ini juga. Alhamdulillah =) but i dont know how it look like. 

may be macam ni kot >>>

comel kan?

tak pun cam gini >>>

taruk bunga sikit-sikit pun dah ok kan?

ntah-ntah cam ni >>>

ada kemungkinan tak cam gini >>>

alololo...unik gitu..

harap macam ni>>>

sweet kan?

nak yang macam ni boleh>>>

muatka? macam muat cincin ja.

yang atas tu semua versi verangan. bos mak punya must look like pic below because she said she want to give kain lapik sekali.

ni yang macam biasa tu la kan. ok la daripada tak da langsung. heee~

hope ada la kain tu warna light chocolate or light pink.=) 1st time nak buat sendiri hantaran. Both my sisters before this upah orang buatkan ja. nervous plak rasa. naseb baik my besties dah janji nak tolong nanti. fuuuuuuuhhh... lega sket... for sure my dowry nanti simple deco with low budget but look nice..hehe.semoga mimpi menjadi kenyataan.. percubaan pertama ni... pray for me everyone =)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

181211: Planning

just come back from fieldwork at Cameron Highland
now I'm peacefully rest at home sweet home

plus minus plus minus
I've only a month to prepare everything
I was so confident to make everything by myself
Dah la distance between my home town and work town almost 500 kms
But I only want everything (dowry, pelamin etc) look simple but nice
I'll take leave a week before my engagement day
a week is enough for DIYing insyaALLAH

[mode: menyedapkan hati yang tak berapa sedap.. =P]

171211: Lord of the ring

Cincin sudah siap! (RM***) ^_^
[Kedai Emas Weng Yi]

I got my ring! 
lil bit longgaq bak kata oghang kampung cheq
tapi kira halal la
the most expensive present I got from him
thanks dear =)

[mode: happy sebab dah boleh checked cincin]

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit (tempah!)
2. ring (checked!)
3. hantaran 
4. kenduri
5. make up
6. photographer
7. invitation card (checked)
8. pelamin

errrrr... byk lagi belom settle rupanya~ (-.-")

Sunday, December 11, 2011

101211: DATE

At 10 am 
his family visited my family at my house
after discussing 
they made a decision 
our engagement will be held on 
15th January 2012
plus minus I only have a month to settle everythings
insyaALLAH sempat

tanpa bertangguh-tangguh
i made invitation card for my close friends! 
Invitation card! checked! =)

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit (tempah)
2. ring (belum ambil)
3. hantaran
4. kenduri
5. make up
6. photographer
7. invitation card

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

061211: Forum Sampaikan Aku Pada Dia

Semalam tanpa dirancang kaki menongkah arus malas menuju bumi Kolej Tun Syed Nasir UKM Kampus Kuala Lumpur. Hayunan kaki dan tangan beriringan menuju Dewan Serbaguna bagi menghadiri Forum Sampaikan Aku Pada Dia. Panel-panel yang hebat yakni Ustazah Fatimah Syarha dan Ustaz Zaidi (Mantan BADAR UKM KKL) membulatkan niat meredah gelap malam menuntut ilmu. Ilmu yang diperoleh bersesuaian untuk dikongsi di blog ini berbanding satu lagi blog saya kerana isu CINTA tempatnya disini.=) Saya tak mahu menjadi panelis ketiga disini. Cukup berkongsi sedikit ilmu yang sempat ditangkap hati. 

Pelbagai faktor menggalakkan wujudnya blog B2B. Kebanyakan orang mesti setuju antara faktornya adalah untuk berkongsi persiapan dan idea sebelum bertukar status Cik kepada Puan. Tetapi saban kali fokus blog B2B hanya berkitar kepada persiapan luaran. Jarang sekali kita berkongsi tentang persiapan diri. Apa persiapan diri itu?

1. Fokus mencari ilmu. Ilmu itu luas. Pencarian ilmu mempersiap diri menjadi pemimpin dan PA (personal asisstant) pemimpin pada negara rumah tangga.
2. Memperbaiki akhlak.
3. Menjaga hubungan dengan ALLAH iaitu cuba mengatur masa untuk perkara bermanafaat pada kita. Berjaga-jaga lah supaya cinta kita pada seseorang atau sesuatu tidak menyamai/melebihi cinta kita pada Pencipta atau dengan kata lain CINTA MENSYIRIKKAN ALLAH. nauzubillahiminzalik semoga kita terhindar dari perbuatan itu. Letakkan cinta ALLAH diatas. Andai kita sanggup luangkan 3jam bersama bakal suami/suami. Gandakan masa kita untuk ALLAH. Kekalkan cinta agung itu yang utama. 

Ketiga-tiga aspek ini penting kerana janji ALLAH
"Perempuan yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik, Perempuan yang jahat untuk laki-laki yang jahat" (24:26)

Mari menjadi baik supaya jodoh kita menjadi lebih baik juga. Bukankah matlamat kita cinta hingga ke syurga.Ayuh persiapkan diri.=)

Monday, December 5, 2011

051211 : I'm on diet

Semalam I dinner nasi + ayam goreng spicy McD pukul 11 malam
pastu kul 12 I membuat lompatan jarak jauh ke katil
bangun pagi buat aksi menyesal tak sudah
housemate lak wat penambah perasa
Dia bisik kat I
"selalu da event mesti badan naik"
erk... dah amik ukuran badan kot untuk baju tunang

disebabkan tahap penyesalan yang tinggi
Maka hari ini I nak umumkan
dengan rasminya
tak da lagi istilah makan berat lewat malam dalam diari
tapi istilah nasi... sorry tak boleh delete
boleh pengsan tak makan nasi berhari-hari

impress betul dengan orang yang tahan tak ambil nasi berbulan-bulan
kalau orang putih ka hitam ka tak da la heran sangat
ni orang Melayu
kagum betol~

kerja yang bikin taufan kelaparan melanda dan memberi beban pada mata untuk tertutup

Sunday, December 4, 2011

041211: perjumpaan ibu bapa tanpa guru (PIBtG)

saturday next week
his parents will come to my house
meet my parents
discuss about our engagement
date, dowry bla bla bla
cant wait to know the engagement date
i hope before 22 Jan
wanna all my best friends to be there on that day

YA ALLAH, permudahkan segalanya dan berikanlah yang terbaek.Ameen~

my handmade tissue flower yang kena penyet ngan my roomate =P

Saturday, December 3, 2011

031211: Mission Implemented (in waiting list)

As usual weekend is "future" time
I'm so tired today
leaving home for about 11 hours today
shopping my outdoor engagement shoes at sogo
[tatau sesuai ka tak ngan baju..(-,-")]
owh ya.. sogo ada sales!
but i think almost all the time Sogo having sale =P
last week >>> bedsheet sales
this week >>> shoes + handbag
tapi serius murah =)
then, we surveyed textile for the last time [hopefully!]
captured some pictures as an example to my designer aka Pak Teh
next mission is Pak Teh house
design + calculate length of each fabrics and also total cost
the last process is....
tarik nafas bagi perut, lengan, hidung kempis
mission accomplished!
[mode: kanak-kanak riang berlari ke awan sambil tabur duet ke bumi]

psssstttt maksud metafora bunga-bunga di atas ialah duit melayang bayar duit kain untuk bertunang tapi gembira kerana urusan baju tunang dah selesai..
[hahahaha999 =P]

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit (checked tempah!)
2. ring (checked tempah!)
3. hantaran 
4. kenduri
5. make up
6. photographer
7. invitation card

comel kan? jom kayuh~

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

301111: wordless Wednesday [us!]

301111: telling the truth


Last night I just told mak about our planning to get engage
actually I planned to tell mak about this after we confirm the engagement date
but last night my fiance to be text me

"Assalamualaikum. Dah makan? Ibu n abah dah ada 2 tarikh utk majlis tunang, raya cina 23 jan n 5 Feb maulud nabi. A.In ada tarikh lain ke? Weekend ni baru nak bincang dengan tok tarikh nak p merisik n bincang dgn parents pikah bila nak bertunang." (he forwarded sms from his ibu)

"erk..ha999" (i replied)

seriously I suddenly feel like "it is unbelievable"
then mau tak mau
I've to tell mak about this
nak call tak berani
sms ja
type cancel type cancel
finally 291111 at 10.10pm
I let the cat out of the bag


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

291111: mission implemented (survey)

every weekend I have a mission to accomplish
ya we just can spend time together on weekend only
and this weekend our mission is 
finding suitable color for my engagement and akad nikah attire
still pening-pening lalat which colours should i choose
the darker one or lighter one 
lastly i ask the sales girl to give me sample of both colours
do not hesitate ya to ask for the sample
you have authority to choose the best
dont let them push you until you make a wrong decision
to play safe
dont bring large amount of money 
if you just want to make a survey

i have make up my mind
i choose dark brown for my engagement attire
and creamy for my akad nikah
next week we will fly to Mars
to give the color sample to his uncle
he will buy us the textile
cause as a designer he will get a special price 
so for budget b2b and g2b like us
surely we have to take this opportunity to cut our cost
you must be wondering
why dont we go there with his uncle?
kan?? kan??
coz the price will not be the same if we are there

owh ya
i think i want to share the serpihan kain here
where is my camera.???
here it is
ok..lets have a look...

ok dop?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

261111 : engagement attire (survey)

attention please.!!!
Jakel have sales right now
until 3rd of January if I'm not mistaken
for those who just received ur November salary 
cepat.!!! cepat.!!!
go to nearest jakel store
before they are out of stock

I just come back from Jakel Masjid India
so rambang mata laaaa
i start confusing to choose colour for my tunang attire
so many colours successfully attract my eyes
otak seminit betol!

Friday, November 25, 2011

251111 : be aware!

my 'aunt to be' told me
"be careful
when u decide to book anything
in wedding fair
she has 2 customers
who have been cheated 
riban-riban juga"
be careful kay!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

241111: engagement attire (research)

last weekend we went to Mars
met my uncle and aunt to be
actually pak teh (his uncle) is a fashion designer
we met him to get ideas about my outfit for engagement and akad nikah
and also to know how many RM should we spend for this la
actually my family have tradition
giving kain for akad nikah ceremony as engagement's dowry
so we have to decide how long kain needed 
and type of kain
at first pak teh gave us a lecture about type of kain
showed me his design for tunang+nikah+kawen
explained design that i can choose
and how many kain needed for the design
then he interviewed me to know my rough plan for my engagement event
and also my plan for akad nikah attire
lastly we make a calculation
after meeting him
i change my mind and came out with better idea for my outfit for both engagement and akad nikah 

before this i want peach for my engagement outfit
but now i decided to choose this colour

the brown colour as Datin Nor Aliah Lee's dress in this cover magazine

before this i want to make simple baju kurung with pearl bead 
but now i want modern baju kurung with lace 

i want simple + modern baju kurung like this

and for change...i want lacey tudung like picture below...

As a conclusion,
I need 3 types of kain:
1. chiffon (for engagement+akad nikah)
2. lace (engagement only)
3. lining (engagement only)

jom survey kain! =b

241111: Photographer

I'll go through an engagement event insyaALLAH only once in a life time
so I hope I could capture every single moment during the historic day
I have very limited budget to hire a professional photographer
who can give me pictures from different angle
plus extra cantekkss editing 
the cheapest way to make sure i have at least a photo 
that can remind me about this special day is...
i will ask my best friend to be my photographer
ok la kan?
atleast i only have to spend money for printing
hahahahaha (gelak jahat)
wanna see her skill?
lets cuci mata bersama-sama

boleh la kan?
apa yang penting??
save budget!!!
But my problem now.. 
She might not be here on the engagement day
coz she will be back to Aussie this coming January
so I need someone else to replace her..
any volunteer???
dslr will be provided

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

231111 : the lord of the ring

I'm not a jewellery crazy
so we just go to goldsmith shop
and choose a pattern which look good around my finger
then ask him to make the design using 916 gold
trying few size of rings
lastly decided my ring size is 11
not so loose and not so fit
so so laaaa...=P
the goldsmith's wife said my size is a baby size
ada unsur hyperbola di situ (-.-")
but now I'm afraid when my friends told me last last nite 
that her friend cant wear her merisik ring anymore coz her finger size increase
err... jari pun boleh makin gemuk ya?
my future fiance have paid RM50 for the ring
the balance will be paid later
cant wait to have my own engagement ring

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit
2. ring (checked!)
3. hantaran 
4. kenduri
5. make up
6. photographer
7. invitation card

231111: engagement colour theme


the chosen 1 will be

the combination looking so canteks here
but a wrong combination of the tone of the colors 
could make it become so buruksss 
i have seen so many buruksss result before
I am worrrrrrying
but i'll take it as a challenge 
you can do it
insyaALLAH boleh!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

221111: 1st step is an ENGAGEMENT

my 1st step to live in the earth with him is...
surely we need to prepare for an engagement
engagement for me is a verbal agreement
his family and mine approve our proposal to be a husband and wife
the event is not as big as wedding
but there are still lots of obstacles
for us the problems are MONEY and TIME

part time master students+working as research assistant are not easy
at this moment i have to prepare two research proposals
so.. I must simplify everything before my brain explode

I've prepared a checklist for my engagement event
although the date was not decide yet

my engagement checklist
1. engagement outfit
2. ring
3. hantaran
4. kenduri
5. make up
6. photographer
7. invitation card

will 'checked' it one by one in the next, next and next posts insyaALLAH~

221111 : launching

i am a venus who meeting a mars in the earth...
and we are planning to live in the earth together...
now we are busy preparing physically and mentally...
before being a hubby and wife...
and this blog will be my log book..
about my expedition to a new strange planet...